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Event-based and scalable billing: the future of automation

In a world that is increasingly characterized by subscriptions and digitalized business models, automated invoicing processes are becoming more and more important.

bill-X continues to develop Digital Twins

bill-X, an experienced company in the field of digital transformation, is launching the development of an innovative compiler that will extend the functionalities of digital twins.

OPC UA meets ActiveDB: the future of the industry

In today’s era of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT), efficient communication between machines and systems plays a central role. OPC UA …

Interoperability of the digital twins in ActiveDB with BaSyx servers

In the dynamic world of Industry 4.0, the interoperability of digital twins is crucial for the success of companies. The …

Earning money with OpenInformer, ActiveDB and digital twins

The digital twin is a key technology of Industry 4.0 that enables companies to virtually map products, machines and production lines and to control and optimize them in real time.

OpenInfomer CIC-X: The future of global campaign management and discounting

We are pleased to announce that one of our leading customers has decided to deploy the CIC-X worldwide. The CIC-X is a powerful front-end for customer and contract management within the OpenInformer system.

Digital battery passport with ActiveDB: the key to a sustainable energy future

At a time when the energy transition and sustainable mobility are among the most pressing global challenges, batteries play a central role. As an indispensable storage medium for renewable energies and the basis for electromobility, they are the key to an environmentally friendly future.

ActiveDB as a solution for digital product passports

Data billing in industry: Added value, challenges and opportunities

For industrial companies involved in the evaluation of digital data such as energy consumption and CO2 values, it is essential to have a clear and transparent billing process.

ActiveDB as the operating system for the living digital twin

Software developers need tools that are both powerful and easy to install. ActiveDB as the operating system for the digital twin fulfills exactly these requirements.

Intelligent automation for adaptive production

With our ActiveDB, we demonstrate the power of digital twin technology in Industry 4.0. In cooperation with B&R, we present an AR demo that visualizes real-time data from a machine that throws a golf ball and catches it in a complex controlled ring. Eight motors control ropes that are attached to the ring. This creates precise control of the ring in real time.

ActiveDB and OpenInformer: The architects of a networked and intelligent smart city

In the era of digitalization, where smart cities are no longer just a concept but an unfolding reality, companies are faced with the challenge of developing innovative business models that keep pace with the dynamics and complexity of urban ecosystems. This is where bill-X’s ActiveDB and OpenInformer come in to offer a transformative solution that not only enables the management of digital twins, but also revolutionizes their monetization.


OpenInformer is all about flexibility and individuality. Here, diverse customer-contract-product relationships are managed in a complex, yet adaptable way. The basis for this is carefully maintained master data and well thought-out hierarchies.

OpenInformer: your future-proof solution for data billing

In our increasingly connected and digitized world, data has become one of the most valuable assets for businesses. The proper management, analysis and accounting of this data is critical. This is where OpenInformer comes in.


As the operating system for digital twins, our ActiveDB is at the heart of a groundbreaking technology that is revolutionizing the way we understand, plan and optimize machines and processes. In an era where the boundaries between the physical world and the digital space are increasingly blurred, the digital twin has the potential to increase business efficiency and performance in many ways.

The power of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) in ActiveDB

Industry 4.0 has spawned a variety of technologies and concepts, of which the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is one of the key innovations. This “administration shell” serves as a standardized representation for industrial assets in digital ecosystems, and its integration into platforms such as ActiveDB brings significant benefits.


For industrial companies involved in the evaluation of digital data such as energy consumption and CO2 values, it is essential to have a clear and transparent billing process.


In our increasingly digitalized world, digital twin technology offers a transformative solution for energy management. For this reason, Commeo, a battery system manufacturer based in Wallenhorst, Germany, has developed its Commeo Energy Control System based on ActiveDB. The EC system uses the Asset Administartion Shell to provide companies of all sizes with a powerful and user-friendly platform for energy optimization.


The digital twin is becoming increasingly important and is seen as a central element of Industry 4.0. It enables virtual mapping of products, machines or entire production lines, which can be analyzed and optimized in real time. But how can companies earn money with the help of the digital twin?


The Administration shell enables the digitalization of the energy demand representation in the Green and Brownfield.It serves as the information basis for digital twins and reduces the costs on the store floor in terms of planning, commissioning and operation within the scope of the energy demand measurement.


Along the value chain, the insights into the extent to which components and machines are used by the operator. Important information that can be incorporated into potential product improvements or services offered, remains unused.


The management shell creates apossibility for automated sharing and low-effort retrieval of carbon footprint information per product. The GHG footprint takes into account the distribution of emissions throughout the supply chain, from raw material extraction to product completion across different data ecosystems.


The Digital identification digitally illustrates all product information. It offers documentation, safety instructions in the local language and extended product services. The digital identification can be updated at any time and avoids large quantities of analog, printed documents.


The ActiveDB digital ecosystem allows partners to use the AAS in a simple and practical way in order to create their own software solutions. ActiveDB provides the tools for generic reusability and the convenient use of digital twins – from edge devices to multi-cloud solutions.

Asset Onboarding

The onboarding of equipment in the process industry is currently hardly automated and still requires many direct interventions. The end-to-end process including the exchange of master data between manufacturer and customer is divided into several steps, little standardized and proprietary for the respective scenario.