7 Lesezeit, aktualisiert am 16.01.2024
At a time when the energy transition and sustainable mobility are among the most pressing global challenges, batteries play a central role. As an indispensable storage medium for renewable energies and the basis for electromobility, they are the key to an environmentally friendly future.
However, as the importance of batteries grows, so does the need to make their entire life cycle transparent and sustainable.
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From February 1, 2027, the digital battery passport will be mandatory for all electric vehicle and industrial batteries over 2 kWh sold in the EU. This innovation offers the opportunity to optimize the sustainability and efficiency of batteries over their entire life cycle and thus make a decisive contribution to the energy transition.
At bill-X, we have developed the ideal solution with our ActiveDB platform to support companies in implementing and using the digital battery passport. As a powerful operating system for digital twins, ActiveDB not only enables the efficient management of all relevant battery data, but also opens up new opportunities for process optimization, resource efficiency and innovative business models in the context of the energy transition and electromobility.
Discover with us how the digital battery passport and ActiveDB make your company fit for the challenges and opportunities of the sustainable energy future. This also ensures compliance with the EU Battery Regulation.
From 2025, digital product passports – including the digital battery passport – will be mandatory for many goods in the EU. But instead of seeing this as an annoying obligation, companies should recognize the enormous opportunities it presents. With ActiveDB, we offer you the ideal tool to take full advantage of these opportunities.
Our ActiveDB platform acts as a powerful operating system for digital twins. It enables:
With ActiveDB and digital product passports, you benefit from
Introducing digital product passports may seem like a challenge at first. But with ActiveDB from bill-X and our partner network, it becomes an opportunity for innovation and growth. Our platform is flexible, scalable and future-proof – ready for the demands of tomorrow. Discover how ActiveDB can revolutionize your business processes. Contact us today for a personal consultation and find out how we can shape the future of product transparency together. Be a pioneer in digital transformation – with bill-X and ActiveDB at your side.
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bill-X GmbH
Liebigstraße 29
D-49074 Osnabrück
+49 541 71008-0