Lifecycle data enables optimized services and conclusions from real-world use.

7 min Lesezeit, aktualisiert am 06.06.2023


After reading this article you will know:

• How the reliability and service life of machines and components can be increased
• How the efforts in data engineering can be reduced by AAS



Lifecycle data enables optimized services and conclusions from real-life use.

Along the value chain, the insights into the extent to which components and machines are used by the operator. Important information that can be incorporated into potential product improvements or services offered, remains unused. Data from operations can be shared and used across companies using the management shell and Gaia-X Federation Services to
increase the reliability and lifetime of machines and components.

The use case “Collaborative Condition Monitoring” (CCM) deals with the collection and multilateral sharing and use of operating data, among other things, to optimize the reliability and service life of machines and their components in a value network consisting of component manufacturers, machine manufacturers and machine operators. Machines typically contain different components from different manufacturers. One of the challenges is to find the components in operation in the IoT and to be able to access their generated data easily and safe.


AAS enables Cross-Vendor data exchange and reduces data engineering efforts

The diversity of products in operation leads to a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of communication technologies and information models.

This is accompanied by high costs for data engineering (data integration, data understanding, data preprocessing, etc.). The administration shell (AAS) reduces these efforts: As a standardized Industry 4.0 interface, it enables simple data integration (e.g., via REST API) and as a standardized Industry 4.0 information model, it offers the possibility to semantically annotate operational data and make it machine-interpretable. This enables new services such as AI solutions to automatically connect data sources with the appropriate services.



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bill-X GmbH
Liebigstraße 29
D-49074 Osnabrück
+49 541 71008-0

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