Earning money with OpenInformer, ActiveDB and digital twins

Earning money with OpenInformer, ActiveDB and digital twins  7 Reading time, updated on 06.09.2024 The digital twin is a key technology of Industry 4.0 that enables companies to virtually map products, machines and production lines and to control and optimize them in real time. The ActiveDB and OpenInformer software systems from bill-X offer a flexible […]

ActiveDB installation

  ACTIVEDB INSTALLATION 7 min reading time, updated on 16.01.2024 Software developers need tools that are both powerful and easy to install. ActiveDB as the operating system for the digital twin fulfills exactly these requirements. In this article and the accompanying video, we show you how to set up ActiveDB quickly and effortlessly – whether […]

ActiveDB as the operating system for the living digital twin

ActiveDB as the operating system for the living digital twin 7 reading time, updated on 05.12.2023 The digital twin opens up previously unimagined possibilities for companies in terms of digitalization and optimization. Imagine having an exact digital copy of a real product, system or process. However, this copy is not a static snapshot, but a […]
