Earning money with OpenInformer, ActiveDB and digital twins

Earning money with OpenInformer, ActiveDB and digital twins  7 Reading time, updated on 06.09.2024 The digital twin is a key technology of Industry 4.0 that enables companies to virtually map products, machines and production lines and to control and optimize them in real time. The ActiveDB and OpenInformer software systems from bill-X offer a flexible […]

ActiveDB and OpenInformer: The architects of a networked and intelligent smart city

ActiveDB and OpenInformer: The architects of a networked and intelligent smart city 7 min reading time, updated on 07.11.2023 In the era of digitalization, where smart cities are no longer just a concept but an unfolding reality, companies are faced with the challenge of developing innovative business models that keep pace with the dynamics and […]


Customer management from OpenInformer 7 min reading time, updated on 01.11.2023 OpenInformer is all about flexibility and individuality. Here, diverse customer-contract-product relationships are managed in a complex, yet adaptable way. The basis for this is carefully maintained master data and well thought-out hierarchies. The special feature here is that everything is interlinked and merges into […]
